WALSER takes on even more social responsibility!

We are proud to be a member of the UNICEF Backbone Society Lounge and take our responsibility for children around the world seriously.

In many countries, children suffer from hunger crises caused by natural disasters, wars and conflicts. We refuse to look away and have therefore decided to become part of the UNICEF Backbone Society Austria. The United Nations Children’s Fund fights in over 190 countries to protect the rights of every child – and against hunger! With our monthly contribution – in favor of UNICEF Austria – we support the funding of nutrition programs to ensure that every child can grow up full and healthy.

We share common values with UNICEF Backbone Society Lounge and are committed to the following principles:

  • No manufacturing of breastmilk substitutes in violation of the International Code of Marketing of Breastmilk Substitutes.
  • No violation of UN sanctions and UN Security Council resolutions.
  • No human and/or labor rights violations, no serious environmental violations.
  • Special care in the selection of our partners in the food and beverage industry, the raw materials industry and the pharmaceutical industry.

We are firmly committed to supporting children in need and working with UNICEF Backbone Society to ensure that every child has the chance for a better future.

The following is supported by UNICEF Austria and was achieved in 2022 thanks to donors:

2.6 million children were treated for severe acute malnutrition.

23.8 million children were vaccinated against measles.

25.9 million people have gained access to safe drinking water.

24.9 million households received government financial assistance.

13 million children and caregivers received access to psychosocial support.

Reached 557 million people with information on prevention and access to services.

4.5 million women, girls, and boys have gained access to violence prevention and intervention for gender-based violence.

28 million children received access to formal or non-formal education.

Source: UNICEF.